YSIG Spotlight Pop-Up-24
The ACA is home to an impressive group of young scientists, and we'd love for you to connect with them. Last year, the YSIG hosted a virtual session showcasing the journeys of two of our remarkable members, as well as highlighting three career scientists who shared their experiences in the field of structural science and we are at it again! Join us on September 13th at 12:00 PM ET for an exciting YSIG pop-up Zoom event, featuring presentations from the winners of our 2024 Three Minute Thesis Competition.
Our exceptional winners will share their background and research, providing a glimpse into the future of our field. Each presenter will have 20-25 minutes to expand upon their 3MT talk, followed by approximately 5 minutes for audience questions. Whether you're eager to hear about their research or want to show your support for emerging leaders in crystallography, this event is sure to be both engaging and inspiring.
Manju Ojha
The Structure of a Host Mimicking Translation Element from plant viral RNA
Nicholas Bragagnolo
Protein Structure Dynamics in Gram Negative Bacterial Secretion Systems
YSIG warmly invites young professionals in structural science to share their work with the broader community. Nominations for speakers for a YSIG Pop-Up Zoom event can be submitted by colleagues, mentors, or the candidates themselves. Please send your nominations to the YSIG leadership.
If you're excited about our YSIG Pop-Up Zoom event, you may also enjoy our Young Scientist Spotlight initiative, where we highlight the profiles of emerging ACA members.
Past Pop-Ups
October 25, 2022 |
The second YSIG Spotlight Series in October of 2022, featured ACA members Allen G. Oliver, Corie Ralston, and James Kaduk, who shared their extensive experiences in crystallography. Allen discussed his career transition from New Zealand to the U.S., focusing on teaching and research in X-ray crystallography. Corie highlighted her role in developing X-ray footprinting and managing crystallography beamlines at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Jim recounted his career in crystallographic problem-solving, including his work with major corporations and contributions to powder diffraction, along with his extensive involvement in professional organizations and education. The event showcased their diverse career paths and significant contributions to the field.
September 22, 2022 |
The first of the YSIG Spotlight Series took place in September of 2022 and featured two early-career researchers presenting their work. Nathaniel Barker, a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University, discussed his research on platinum-based vapochromic sensors and polymorphic platinum salts through X-ray crystallography, as well as his role in managing X-ray diffraction experiments at Northwestern's IMSERC. Jadon Blount, a recent graduate from Western Washington University, shared his work on studying sortase enzymes using computational molecular modeling in Dr. Jeanine Amacher's lab, focusing on uncovering unique mechanisms in structural biology. The event included presentations and audience discussions.